
Mana Nak Buat Eyebrow Threading Dekat Subang Area?

I have a kenduri kahwin and an open house to attend tomorrow. The kenduri kahwin is my school mate's with whom I slept next to (katil la weh, jangan fikir benda lain), sat next to in the class and study room for a year with. I lost contact with her for about 3 years and on one fine day while queuing at a nasi lemak stall, I stumbled upon her. We met up weeks later for her to pass up her beautiful decorated Indon-mari pink wedding card. I have to attend her wedding reception for she has threaten to bomb my unit if I don't attend it. Amboi, apa ko ingat ko tu Noordin Mat Top ke?

Second event is an open house organize by family bakal mentua, eceh H's parents. Of which he insists me to come. Konon nak buat sesi interview (victim: yours truly la, ape lagi!) with his extended family. Silalah panic dan menggelabah! I know that meeting and be friendly on first encounter is not my forte and I've heard enough of people telling me that I am sombong. Yelah tu, wait until you know me better and you'll be wishing I'd stop talking (pulak)! Tak caya tanya my boyfriend, he knows better and I do know that secretly you wish that I'd shut my mouth up, sayang. Bak kata orang Jerman, halt die Klappe! - gituh.

Sekarang ni tengah pening nak pakai baju apa. Dry cleaning Sabtu tengah hari baru siap. Adoi..

p/s: Yes, soalan tajuk diatas. Amat berharap sangatlah kalau sesiapa boleh bagitau dekat mana nak buat eyebrow threading kat Subang ni. I know kat Bangsar banyak tapi malas nak meredah pergi sana. Dan malas nak tweeze sendiri. I like the feeling after each threading session, rasa macam, "Nah ambik ko bulu-bulu kening yang tumbuh meliar. Padan muka dah kena cabut. Muahaha. *gelak jahat* "

Matilah kalau kening jadi macam ni sebab nak pegi threading tak jumpa salon! Mak tak rela u'ols


diyana Farid said...

tajuk lain, isi kandungan lain. hahahhah. ngokngek betui.

(tak larat aku nak gelak)

Moose said...

tajuk refer kepada post script kat bawah entri.