and when I flipped over at the back, I saw a familiar face. A young politician to be exact; it's our own Khairy Jamaluddin on the cover of the inaugural issue of Harper's Bazaar Man!

He looks not bad right? I never knew that politician can be this polish and fashionable (and good looking). Honestly how many politician that we know are sharp, fashionable and good looking? Ok, J.F. Kennedy was an exception. We just love Jackie O. So just to be clear, I don't fancy KJ (or his political views) or anything ok! I'm not finish with the magazine yet but I love love the Fall/Winter ad campaigns of Fendi (feat. Jessica Stam-if I'm not mistaken), Tod's (the bag featured in the ad is TDF!, like totally) and I know this is not something new, the Louis Vuitton ad featuring Buzz Aldrin, Sally Ride and Jim Lovell. Love love the photo (and the bag featured as well).
It was taken by the famous Anne Leibovitz, a name that needs no introduction. If anyone of you didn't know, she was the one who took the infamous Demi Moore naked photo while she was pregnant with one of her daughters.
And yes, out of blue I also bought a malay wedding magazine *cringe* that costs me about 3 copies of Harper's Bazaar that turned out to be so crappy. I don't like 80% of the bridal wear featured except those from Jovian Mandagie. The pelamin or dais are either too much, too eleborate, too colourful, too much of accessories. All in all they are nothing but over the top. I don't see the the need of buying such magazine in the future. Plus, the price is also expensive! I'd rather spend the same amount of money on Vogue or Elle, which in terms of photo and overall content are much much higher in quality.
Oh malay mag apakah itu?
ehem, Ratu Sehari. haha. but the wedding diary i think is useful for future reference.
hahha KJ.
OMG, aku baru perasan. Naik kete buruk pun xpa, yg penting beg LV.
iklan yg sangat bagus dan memberansangkan.
itulah namanya biar papa asal bergaya (pakai beg LV). KJ looks not bad, kan? Aku puji2 KJ ni karang bg cakap aku suka dia plak..
Moose, KJ mmg hensem la. dulu aku tak kenal pun aku ingat dia artis baru..
Lama-lama kenal rasa cam hampehs. hehehe. But Not-too-bad for his looks.hihihiih.
(gatai jugak aku nih)
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