
I Am (No) Superwoman

Remember this dress?

I showed to H the other day and he's being supermacho, my fiance and all, had veto-ed off the dress. Hmm, how am I not surprised? The reason being, the dress is too simple. Boleh?

Kalau tak boleh pakai masa poolside reception, pakai masa pergi kenduri orang boleh? OMG, I so want it. Gedik-gedik nak jugak. Siang malam termimpi-mimpi. Gitu, drama sekali.

Sekarang jugak pergi Jakel! Oh, btw Jakel is having massive sale up to 85% discount on selected fabric. Went there last weekend to buy materials for mom and little sister's baju. Initially I wanted to buy my mom a beaded chiffon material but decided to settle down with a nice thai silk instead. Because I think thai silk is more her taste rather than intricate beaded chiffon. And I bought plain chiffon for my sister. I didn't buy any material for my dad and brother because they prefer a ready made baju melayu than a tailored one. So, I can checked off one item from my lists. Good job Moose.

Oh if you go to Jakel, please be firm enough and know when to say no to them. I wanted to settle for material that is within my budget but the SA there kept showing me those expensive materials that costs up to RM100/m. Luckily I'm the kind of person who knows what I want, stick with it and firm enough to just say no (directly to their face). If you think that you're fickle minded, please tag along someone who's firm enough with you.

We didn't buy any material for ourselves because it's still early although I already know what kind of materials that I want. It's just that I want to meet up with the designers first and see what they have to say about my choices of fabrics so they could advise me accordingly. I don't want to end up with having meters of fabrics that is not suitable for the design. I like to avoid that, thank you.

And oh, actually I lied in my previous post. I'm not panicking, at all. Haha. I actually already know what I want so within these 9 months, all I gotta do is to make them real. With helps of others, of course. I am no superwoman and as I hate to admit it, I am not capable of doing everything.......myself.


Unknown said...

moose, flaunt that body baby!! haha tiba.

aku gi jakel haritu memang fickle minded. Gile ok, terus aku beli kain for bridesmaid aku. dasat penangan jakel padahal takla santek mana pon kain tu. nyesal gegile

reena said...

So your fiance pilih dress yang mana? P/S: I rasa macam tak pernah pi Jakel kot..Hmm..

sumpit said...

cantik la baju tu! Memang simple, but tht's the appeal. I would've wanted something simple n neat too, tp kain yg liplap2 dah terbeli.

Jakel tu memang! Asyik tunjuk yg ab 1k je, menyampah. Tapi kalu ckp budget, nanti dia tunjuk la yg murah2. I went to Jakel several times gak la. Time sale, borong yg chiffon2 murah tp quality cam elok gak tu segulung for my family, then ulang pegi sorg2 to look for my kain. The 5th ka 6th time i was there time sale dah abis, kedai lengang, akak sorg ni tanya how i was doing, dapat ke tak kain yada yada yada. I told her, nak pikir dulu, tak leh decide. Then dia ckp, nanti nak beli kain, carila akak, nanti dia bg special price. Tah sapa2 je akak tu.

But I did return and bought some kain, and asked for tht akak. And the price she gave was cheaper than waktu sale. Ni mesti family jakel kot. Nama dia sha... something, dah lupa lak. Aku cam amnesia skit lately ni... sori :(

Aida Narina said...

I selalu kalah bila berada di jakel. If i pergi dengan my mum, and being her yang tak object apa2 yang i pilih (sebab maybe pakai my own pocket money), i selalu termakan kata2 salesgirl. I'm a sucker when someone suka pujuk-rayu ni, hahah. And that is bad kann..

By the way, i love2 the dress that the Olsen is wearing. Tapi bukan sateen kan? I pun plan nak buat dress untuk pergi2 wedding or kenduri2 ke, hehehe. Tapi kene la tunggu a few months lagi :p

Elly Anaille said...

dress tu cantik.. tapi your bf x setuju takpe, cari lagi yg sesuai di mata die.

jubah saya pun simple. tapi saya beli jugak. so skrg kna tambah beading sbb die rasa beading yg ade tu cket sgt. boleh x? haha.

jakel sale lagi ke? asyik sale je. mcm harus pegi je ni.. (alasan nak habiskan duit..)

Moose said...

tau takpe..tetibe je ko noks. haha. jakel memang suka menggoda. aritu sikit lagi aku nak jerit dekat diorang. aku kata tanak,tanak la kan..

belum habis survey lagi..

kaannn? suka sangat tunjuk mahal2. ingat kita ni cop duit ke. bila cakap budget ciput terus dia cam takmau layan..apakah?

Moose said...

jakel sure suka orang cam you..hihi. orang cam i diorang sure benci..

dia tak setuju babe. too simple katenye. harus mencari lagi la ni. jakel memang sentiasa sale je..samala sogo tu..365days per year sale.

Unknown said...

biol sket aku ni, kat bandung tak survey chiffon. tah apa aku pk masa tu pon tak tau.

CHiffon sepasang saja (takda baju melayu laki) kat jakel berapa nok? aku nak wat kain untuk khatam.

Unknown said...

i suka sangat baju Ashley Olsen tu, pape pun Moose u buat je lah baju raya ke or baju pegi wedding orang ke.. yang penting, bagi i baju tu memang simple, elegant and vogue (amboi banyaknya adverb :P) suka suka suka!

Moose said...

chiffon aku taktau la berapa harga. aritu pegi jakel harga macam2. huahuahua. ade yang rm40/m, rm60/m tapi yang adik aku punya tu dah tak sure la pulak tu chiffon ke tak. SA tu cakap chiffon aku pun tibai la chiffon (wlupun rase macam bukan). dalam rm7/m sebab ade sale.

i pun suka gak! dah jumpa tailor nak buat baju you tu?