
4 C's: Caterer, Card, (Printing) Company & Crocs

My 3-days holiday were jam packed with activities. Chewah. Konon jela. I was in my hometown to settle few things, wedding related things mostly.

Initial plan was to have a trial make-up with Kak Ram but apparently (s)he busy throughout the weekend and was not available. Little glitch there. But we also met up with the caterer and had small discussion. The price that he offered was reasonable with the service that he provides. Mom had tasted the caterer's food before and she said the food was good. Besides, two of her friends a.k.a my high school home science (ERT) teachers took them, so the food must be good right? Kalau cikgu ERT punya taste dalam makanan tak boleh pakai, aku taktau la siapa lagi aku boleh percaya. One of the teacher is a bit fussy when it comes to food preparation, so if even she took the same caterer, that's a relief. Alhamdulillah we paid the booking fee and secured the date.

Now, we really need so sit down and finalize the number of guests. And by we, I meant me and the parents. I already made my list. A total of (almost) 200 guests. I am picking and selecting names that I want them to be there and those who had invited me to their wedding and I attended. I am still contemplating on inviting those who didn't invite me to their wedding though. These people are high school friends, and I use the term friend loosely here as they are not really what I called "friend", you know, more like "acquaintance". Should I still invite them out of courtesy?

I previously mentioned that my graphic-design-student cousin will be in charge of the designing of the invitation cards, thank you tag and signage. Kesimpulannya anything that had to do with wedding stationery, dia yang handle la senang. I had a brainstorming session with him and we exchange few info. The reason why I want a personalized invitation card are because I want:

  • personal touch to my wedding card
  • to incorporate the family involvement in if not every, at least most of the aspect and details in my wedding. You know, so they at least feel the contribution and play the role part. But to sponsor favours or anything without my approval, itu a big no-no. Kot tak boleh nak sponsor kebendaan, sponsor tenaga bolehlah because there'll be lots of ribbon tying later. Ngeh ngeh. Muahahaha (gelak jahat)
  • to run from the typical and cookie-cutter wedding invitation card. (Eceh, macam bagus. HA HA HA). Tapi matilah aku card belah laki typical punya made-in-Indonesia hard cover invitation card. Lantaklah labu yang penting bukan idea aku.

My cousin informed me that since the size that I want is not the standard size, he's afraid that I'll face problems later with the printing company and also difficult to find suitable envelope later. Not that he cannot do but according to him there'll loads of work i.e. amendments to the artwork later and the format will be different etc. So he suggests that I have to survey the printing company first, the envelope size, the material, the price quotation and only then he will proceed with the designing. Sounds very much logic to me. I for once do not know any (cheap) printing company. The only printing company that I know is in Alor Setar, the vendor that I ordered my nikah favour from (will tell about it in short while) and the one that handle my company's printing. But the supplier of our company's stationery is in different league. To print out about 400 cards? I'd be a laughing stock to them.

Then I read Dina's blog on her entry about her cards and it's a real lifesaver! But I still need the help from all of you ladies to hook me up with some names of printing companies.

The deal is, the cheaper the better. HA HA HA

Eh eh eh, panjang plak lepas tu dah malas nak taip bagitau pasal nikah favour.

p/s: I have Crocs voucher worth RM20 to give away. Tunggu.....


Unknown said...

aku tak ingat nak komen apa. cis. tadi dah ingat, lupe pule.

hah. kak ram tu ada blog tak? mahu tengok teehee

Nurulhuda|Adlie said...

nawal tipu! eh, credit to cikgu ERT, referensi terbaik moose.. :) aku pun rasa, as cikgu ERT (tadi aku tertype LRT) haha, mesti okay kan sume.. good luck moose!

reena said...

Dah siap nanti tunjuklah kad tu!

Moose said...

kak ram takde blog. tu yang aku beria nak buat trial make-up tu. kot klo ade blog takde la aku beria sana-sini tanya pasal MUA.

tula. kalau taste bud cikgu ERT pun tak boleh pakai aku taktau la. dahla mak aku ade contact no 1 caterer je. nasib la labu..jangan nasi rasa cam pasir sudah.

tak boleh tunjuk masa dah siap, kena tunjuk masa distribute card! hihi