
Yoga, Yogi (Bear)

Note: This is solely my personal opinion.

Ok, I think Malaysian love to take things literally. Like all the yoga is haram issue. First of all, those yang tengok orang buat yoga lepas tu hantar komen-komen yang tidak membina macam, yoga tu haram, berdosa besar tau you buat yoga. Ni I nak tanya you all semua pernah buat yoga ke? Know deeply the meaning and what yoga is all about? I know historically, yoga is originate from Hindu, (malas nak explain lebih lanjut, nak tau sila Google sendiri) buuuttt that doesn't mean if we practise yoga, we embrace Hinduism. Other martial arts such as judo, karate, taekwando, wushu and taichi pun originate from other religion. Macam taichi and judo, if I'm not mistaken (and read somewhere many many years ago) developed by sami-sami yang tinggal dekat shrine or temple. So, adakah siapa-siapa yang practise those martial arts committed sin a.k.a berdosa besar?

I am angered you know, on how stupid and ignorant some people can be. Tau nak salahkan orang tapi taknak research or at least read some reliable information before accusing someone of committing sin. Apa, engkau tu tak berdosa ke tuduh-tuduh orang suka-suka hati? Even bekas mufti Perlis pun cakap, takpe if you do yoga AS LONG AS YOU DON'T INCLUDE THE MANTRA AND CHANTING !! There. Take it as a form of exercise la people. I know, some of you akan cakap, banyak lagi exercise lain, apesal nak buat yoga juga. Sembahyang pun exercise jugak. Nabi dulu takde buat yoga pun. Ok, my question, those iman, bilal, haji dan hajjah yang gemuk-gemuk tu, apa diorang tak solat ke?? Yes, solat is also a form of exercise, meditation and also ibadah. Tapi as human, kita perlu cari dan buat sesuatu yang bermanfaat untuk diri dan kesihatan kita. Some people choose aerobic, swimming, running or cycling. Some choose yoga. I do yoga (whenever I'm free and the urge to be fit hit my head). That doesn't mean I chant mantra, neglect my solat and berdosa besar. I still perform the 5 time prayers, fasting, recite Quran, tahu mengucap syahadah and some day Insya Allah want to perform Hajj in Mekah. I think as long as Allah tahu apa niat kita, then who are you (or we) to judge people? Who are you to accuse this and this person of committing sin?

Tolonglah leave people that do yoga alone!!

Also, mantra chanting do exist in yoga. I've been to one yoga class in Germany, where they chant, tapi I just keep quiet and do the breathing technique (here, Allah tahu what my niat is). As far as I'm concern there are none of those practised here in Malaysia, unless la ko pegi kelas yoga dekat kuil-kuil Hindu tu memangla ada. (This is what my Indian friend told me)
Oh ya, yang pasal free your mind from anything apa tu, don't la take things literally. Free kan lah your mind from masalah yang serabut-serabut tu. Bukanlah maksudnya tak ingat Allah. Adoi la, yang tu ko memang cari pasal la kan. Seriously and honestly, how many times a day you think of God? Kenapa bila yoga je, orang nak kecoh-kecoh and condemn?
Macamlah masa you guys are having sex, you still think of God? (matilah kontroversi)

p/s: You know what, I think Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan patut keluarkan fatwa baru, siapa-siapa yang suka jumpa bomoh, bomohkan orang, guna pelaris yang bertentangan dengan syarak. Mandrem sana-sini. Bukan semua tu haram ke?


diyana Farid said...

hahaha. garanglah moose ni. but i agree with your opinion. hehehe. setiap perbuatan tu berdasarkan niat masing2.

Moose said...

bukan garang. tapi meluat dengan orang yang only know cakap dan tak selidik. attitude yang hollier than thou ni aku tak suka. senang cerita berlagak macam bagus. lepas tu cover konon nak tegur, dakwah tak salah. macam la orang yang buat yoga tu minum arak, makan babi ke ape kan? which is memang terang2 dalam islam kata haram. so far apa yang aku tau, fatwa is made by human, to guide the muslims, bukan hukum Allah yang wajib diikuti 100% (here, pls correct me if I'm wrong)

reena said...

My housemate keja JAKIM so i tau sedikit sebanyak kenapa JAKIM haramkan yoga. Walaupun i tak setuju, tapi i malas nak argue.

Satu je point i, ROKOK pun telah diharamkan. Tapi kenapa tak dak orang nak kecoh. Ntah2 orang yg dok bising2 pasal yoga haramwtf tu, husband/bf depa pun hisap rokok. Sebab tu senyap kot klu pasal rokok. Tu kat luar sana tu. BERLAMBAK orang hisap rokok. I dont think all these people yang dok perasan bagus yoga haram la apa la, pi tegur/berdakwah kat orang yang hisap rokok tu.

I memang benci orang perangai perasan baik/bagus ni. Ntahhapehapeee je. Diri sendiri tak mau cermin dulu.

Moose said...

i dulu masa issue yoga is haram ni siap argue dengan my dad tau! dia tegur why am i still doing yoga, lepas tu ajak my sister buat sama semua. so i told him la. chanting tu yang buat yoga haram,not the movement if we take it only as exercise. regarding rokok tu, memang pernah dengar majlis fatwa cakap haram tapi kalau tk silap i they don't even issue it tau. sebab apa? mendapat tentangan la. ustaz2 and imam2 pun smoking. so diorg berdosa besar la? i love to think that islam is simple and not complicated. some people don't even understand and see the beauty of islam and these people yang akan mislead non-muslim tau. well, i'm not perfect myself tapi i believe only Allah can judge me (and others) and as long as He knows what my nawaitu is, i don't see the need of explaining why i'm still doing yoga (occasionally) to others. bosan la!