From Shopping N Sales
Since the venue is near to my office, I think it might worth check it out. So I went there on Friday, during the lunch hour. I am not a big make-up fan but I do wear light make up everyday to work and occasionally whenever I went out. My make-up regime consist of concealer and face powder to even out the shine. I do not wear foundation on daily basis. Too much hassle. Yes, I am lazy. Shame on me.
I am not familiar at all with the brand Stage but I heard that they're equally good as MAC and Bobbi Brown. Stage is a local brand with their products being made in Germany and errr, also from some other countries. But the packaging is similar to that from MAC, don't you think so?
So what did I bought?
2 brush cleanser ( 2 x RM10)
1 liquid foundation (1 x RM 35)
1 make-up remover (1 x RM5)
1 mascara (1 x RM ??)
1 lipstick (1 x RM ??)
Gosh sorry, I can't really recall what's the price for both mascara and lipstick. Total damage? Only RM 118! I think for 6 items it's really worth it! And I'm loving the lipstick, mascara and the foundation, especially the foundation. It is so easy to apply and the effect is oh so matte. Suitable for oily and combination skin. Rahsia kulit cantik aku Nawal. HAHA. Jangan tertipu ok. Kulit aku tak cantik pun.
I was bit frustrated because they do not sell off their brushes. I think it's the one thing that I anticipated the most in this warehouse sale.
On Saturday, I accompanied Fiance to visit his dad's condominium cum our future home! Gosh, the condition of the house is so horrible, thanks to the previous tenant. We're meeting the contractor to refurbish the house so that it's more bearable to live in. I can't wait to start decorating the whole house! I even had the colour palette for the living room on my mind already! Forget the wedding preparation, this is a whole lot more exciting!
After that we went to Floristika, bought eustoma and baby's breath for my DIY practice for hantaran. I will show the pictures in the next entry. It's very amateurish indeed but who cares? As long as I can save moolah, anything is possible!
Had kenduri on the night at Grand Bluewave. It was H's schoolmate's wedding. The bride's reception was a week ago at Dewan Cattleya Shah Alam and it was the groom's side on Saturday night. The wedding was attended by the Y.A.M Yang Dipertuan Negeri Sembilan, Tunku Mukhriz and his wife. Unfortunately, the food was so-so only much to my disappointment. But the creme caramel served later for dessert was nice albeit the portion is a teeny tiny too small.
On Sunday, I attended my first ever blogger's wedding i.e. Huda. First time ever meeting another bloggers. Kind of my debut. HAHA. Poyo gile weh. Debut tu, tak ingat! Pffft. Seriously, I've been blogging since the year 2004 but never really made friends with anyone. I am more of anonymous blogger back then. Decided only to open up to people in the cyber space about 2 years ago. I guess, I feel uncomfortable knowing the fact that people in my REAL life might read the blog. God knows what kind of crap and gibberish I wrote in here.
Both Fiance and I arrived the same time as the bride and groom. They arrived in style in a vintage car. Huda really looked stunning and beautiful. Come again all brides look beautiful right?

Huda and Adlie upon arrival
It was definitely fun meeting the girls of SS (that's what they allegedly called themselves) Aku siap nervous lagi the day before tu. HAHA. Nahwal, nervous tak nak jumpa aku? The pelamin was indeed beautiful. Simple but beautiful, just the way I like it.

I also don't know what are we trying to do. Candid, much?

Us [Front: Yaya & Lynda ; Back: Nawal, Yours truly and Aim] with the bride and groom
I didn't bother at all to snap the details of the pelamin tapi bila balik rumah tengok-tengok gambar tiba-tiba aku macam; eh, ni siapa pulak yang ambik gambar ni? Rupa-rupanya (bakal) laki aku punya kerja kan. Untuk reference katanya. Dia cakap dia suka pelamin ko Huda. Haruslah ko berbangga gitu kan? Kudos to Rass Wedding & Deco. Meet other wonderful bloggers there as well. Sorry if I came as a bit blur blur sotong yesterday. I was in fact blur blur sotong. Sometimes I do read your blog but may not know your name or your look in real life. So bloggers lain kali nak introduce diri cakap macam ni ye;
"Hi, saya Moose from Moose On The Loose ( And you are from which blog?"
Matilah a new way of introducing yourself and breaking the ice katenye. Yelah zaman IT lah katakan. Jangan lepas ni panggil ikut URL blog sudah.
Tak gitu, Ini Perempuan Jujur, The Alia dan Hazlynda? Ok Lynda tak boleh dijadikan contoh sebab URL dah guna nama betul. Bijak ko eh Lynda. HAHA.
Ladies, please send me the pictures taken yesterday and it was lovely to finally meet you ladies! And all of you are so pretty! Dan takdelah laki aku ingat aku ade imaginary friends kan.
I baru nak tanya pasal Stage punya makeup brush. Stage ok eh? Tak pernah try lagi.
Anyway warehouse sales memang berbaloi kan? Kalau nak beli at normal price, hmm..haremmmmmmm.
huda: pelamin ko mmg chantek sgt!big claps to vendor.
moose: ko mmg nampak blur2 :p dulu slalu aku nampak ko aktif kat blog Dalie, so i tot u were her ex-skoolmate..ngeeee
btw, if smlm ko introduce diri pkai name btol hang..sumpah aku tak akan knal :D so sile tiru cam lynda, siap name penuh lagi aku sebut smlm..hihi
nice meeting u guys =)
OMG.. Stage? huhu.. cmner My leh x tau ader warehouse nie.. aduyai... duk borong stage kt Midvalley ja..luckily for the last weekend diorg ada offer.. Btw.. My suka stage..(>.<).. affordable and yet the product sgt best..
aHAHAHA. aku suke gak kulit kau tak kira. Terpesona, terus kata moose cantik. mesti haikal pelik je tengok perempuan ni> AHAHAHHA
Aku sayang kau!! mwahs!!
hahahahaha..camtu eh nk introduce diri. comel gile..
amalina,aku mcm terpinga2 oke..sbb igt amalina lagi satu.len kali sebut la lumiere d amour.HAHA
yaya, seb baek aku tanye yg mane satu nawal n dia recognise..klu dia pon buat blur2..sumpah aku terus blah..hahahahahahah..malu seh ::wink::
btw, huda dah ckp, yg tudung pink tu nawal, yg tudung kaler2 tu bile sampai kat meja u ols,aku cam blank2 panik plak nak tego camne..hahha
pakai name tag lain kali. AHAH
amalina: nxt time takyah segan². tegur je k. :D
moose: nice meeting u and ur laki semalam. :D
hahaha imaginary friends. laki acik pon pening bile ckp pasal kawan blogger. kene explain plak satu2. nasib baik die ingat Huda yang mana satu bile nk pg kenduri Huda.
i pun first time beli Stage ni. so far ok la. i like the foundation n lipstick. the lipstick is very moist (eh, apsal bunyi cam cake?) as my lips tend to crack and dried out klo pakai lipstick esp. MAC. memang betul beli make-up time warehouse sale memang berbaloi-baloi!
memang tgh blur2 semalam! and i feel really bad tau. lain kali cakapla amalina luemiere (eh yeke spelling camni?) sebab ade b2b sorang ni pun amalina jugak. so cam tktau yang mana satu. when you mention dalie, lagilah i blur sebab my office mate ade nama dalie. jadi double blur disitu.
so Stage ni bagus eh? i taktau sebab first time baru guna. but klo tengok review, cam not bad la jugak..
aku sayang ko jugak! muahs! nasib baik tak blushing. ko ni saje je.
si kecil:
introduce cam tu senang. hihi.
betul tu yaya. aku pun camtu.
lain kali belasah je tegur. aku pun first time jumpa diorang ni. main redah je..haha
wedding ko nanti kitorang pakai name tag.
nice meeting u and en. rocker too! slambe je si lynda tu panggil husband tu en. rocker. depan2 lak tu. lynda oh lynda. HAHA
tell me about it! my fiance cam pelik ape la tak pernah jumpe tapi chatting macam nak rak dgn bdk2 ni..
yeah! dpt cuci mata dulu tgk gambar huda kawen. sedih tak dapat attend...nice nye wedding huda..tq tq upload! hehee
haha. lynda mmg. tp my husband cam layan je la semua org nak address him encik rocker. :)
nahwal: pkai name tag?why not! haha
moose: aaa tuh mistake..excited jumpe korang sume kot..tu psl nampak merapu pon ade..glad that i came to ur table =)
moose ko ni sombong tau! mencik aku.. mesra ngan diorang je in person.. aku ko salam je? pastu dah.. sedih sedih.. ok takdelah, aku terlebih.. haha.. ke ko nervous.. wei nervous breakdown pasti ada, aku dulu malu wei jumpa yaya, haha.. yaya kan comel? yay! haha..
thanks for coming everyone ok? nanti aku update, adalah malas.. :)
aku baca byk gak psl stage ni. Teringin gak nak beli, cam murah n org kata bagus. Tp skarang aku nak cari mascara yg lengthen the eyelashes with tiny silicon fibers tu. Dulu aku beli yg fiberwig tu, tp mahal gilo! Dah jarang pakai, keras camtu je. Kalu tau brand murah skit, share2 la...
Huda looks so pretttty! Too bad i cant be there :(
alahh, dh terlepas la pulak.. kalau x, bestnye boleh tengok2 jugak.. heheh..
Btw, i've linked ur blog.. Hope u dont mind :)
aku suke jumpebloggers yang gilak mcm korang, nak lak yaya n nawal. sengal.
weh moose, aku play safe okeh. bijaksana. cube carik maksud nama aku tu? eceh. poyo gilak!
ahhh huda, sudahlah. aku majok. ko hug yaya n nawal je. aku adik tiri kapa? huhhhhh MAJOK!
amalina, a'ah la, next time cakap la french, baru tau amalina yang mane satu sbb hazlynda kushairi ade satu je dlm sejuta rakyat malaysia. tqvm sebut name penuh ai. terharu abah ai~
dah dah moose, takyah teruja ngan url aku okeh? yang penting, aku rase mcm jumpe korang semua except for yaya n nawal, rase mcm dah kenal abad ke-15.
aku sayang korangs!
amboi lunda, komen macam kat blog dia. ai nak jugak. HAHAHAHA.
moose, kan huda dah merajuk. HAHA. tengok la dia.
lynda, huda memang. dia geng ngan kak ya je. eh? HAHA. sebab yaya comel, huda nak ngan yaya je. yaya ada lesung pipit. aku takda. HAHA tetibe
amalina-bila aku cakap ko belajar kat oversea kat france, time tu ko dah bla, si moose terus sit up straight 'ye ke ?"
HAHA. kan dah miss kawan chat pasal euro. nyesal tak moose? HAHA
korang datang tau aku kawen!!! tau!!!
lynda: i was nervous, and automatically terkeluar je name penuh u..and then baru my brain analysed ur face n realised persamaan dgn pic kat ur blog..ngeeee :D, same goes to puan rocker, tak sempat org perkenalkan, terus terkeluar "puan rocker ek"..ya ampunnn sungguh kurang sopan..huhuhuhu
nahwal: haaaa ko ngumpat pasal aku ye mekk..aku tetap tak akan dtg majlis ko :D
aku bukan sombong mek. aku cam segan sebab tak biasa dgn ko. kang aku terlebih mesra, ko cakap aku over plak. takpe2 nanti masa kenduri nawal or bukak pose kita beramas-mesra. nawal dah nak lantik AJK bukak pose tu.
mascara yg lengthening tu ade coat yang putih2 tu kan? dulu aku pernah dapat sample mascara clinique from douglas. yg ade coating putih tu la. not bad gak.
aku syg korang gak! nasib baik korang peramah, klo tak aku larik nyorok bawah meja. tak pun pegi lari duduk meja lain.
tula lain kali datang ckp, hi saya amalina yang blaja kat france tu. hihi.
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